Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 631 - 665 of 770
exempt exento-a de
exemption exención
exercise ejercicio more translation
exert ejercer
exhale exhalar more translation
exhaust agotar
exhaustible limitado-a
exhaustion agotamiento
exhaustive exhaustivo-a
exhibit exponer
exhibition exposición
exhibitor expositor-a
exhilarate alegrar mucho
exhort exhortar
exhortation exhortación
exhumation exhumación
exhume exhumar
exile exilio
exist existir
existence existencia
existent existente
existential existencial
exit salida more translation
exodus éxodo
exogenous exógeno/a
exonerate exonerar
exorbitant exorbitante
exorcism exorcismo
exorcist exorcista
exorcize exorcizar
exotic exótico-a
expand ampliar more translation
expanse extensión
expansion expansión
expect esperar

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rebellion · rebelión

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