Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 561
heath brezal
heathen pagano-a
heaven cielo
heavenward hacia el cielo
heavy pesado-a more translation
heavyweight peso pesado
Hebrew hebreo
heckle interrumpir
hectic agitado-a
hector intimidar
hedge seto
hedgehog erizo
hedonism edonismo
hedonist edonista
heed cuidado
heel talón more translation
heft levantar
hefty pesado-a
hegemony hegemonía
height altura more translation
heighten realzar
heir heredero-a
heiress heredera
helical solenoide
helicopter elicóptero
heliocentric eliocéntrico-a
heliotrope heliotropo
helium helio
helix hélice
hell infierno
Hellenic heleno
hellish infernal
hello hola
helm timón
helmet casco

Word of the day:
giveaway · regalar

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