Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 1149
degrease desengrasar
degree grado more translation
dehumanize deshumanizar
dehumidify deshumidificar
dehydrate deshidratar
dehydration deshidratación
deify deificar
deign dignarse
deism deísmo
deist deísta
deity deidad
delay retraso more translation
delayed tardío-a
delectable delicioso-a
delegate delegado-a more translation
delegation delegación
delete eliminar more translation
deleterious nocivo-a
deletion supresión
deliberate deliberado-a more translation
deliberately deliberadamente
delicacy delicadeza more translation
delicate delicado-a more translation
delicateness delicadeza
delicatessen charcutería
delicious delicioso-a more translation
delight deleite more translation
delighted encantado-a
delightful encantador-a more translation
delimit delimitar more translation
delimitation delimitación
delineate delinear
delinquency delincuencia
delinquent delincuente
delirious delirante

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campfire · fogata

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.