Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 316 - 350 of 779
index finger dedo índice
India India
Indian indio
indicate indicar more translation
indict acusar
indifferent indiferente
indigenous indígena
indigent indigente
indigestible indigesto-a
indigestion indigestión
indignant indignado-a
indignation insurrección more translation
indignity indignidad
indigo índigo
indirect indirecto-a
indiscernible imperceptible
indiscreet indiscreto-a
indiscretion indiscreción
indiscriminate indiscriminado-a
indispensable indispensable
indisposition indisposición
indisputable irrefutable
indissoluble indisoluble
indistinct indistinto-a
indistinguishable indistinguible
individual individual more translation
individualism individualismo
indivisible indivisible
indoctrinate adoctrinar
indolent indolente
indomitable indomable
Indonesian indonesio
indoor de interior
indubitable incuestionable
induce inducir

Word of the day:
avocado · aguacate

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