Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 779
inaudible inaudible
inaugural inaugural
inaugurate inaugurar
inauguration inauguración
inauspicious desfavorable
inboard interior
inborn innato-a
inbred innato-a
Inca incaico-a
incalculable incalculable
incandescent incandescente
incantation conjuro
incapable incapaz
incapacitate incapacitar
incapacity incapacidad
incarcerate encarcelar
incarnate encarnado-a
incautious descuidado-a
incendiary incendiario-a
incense incienso
incentive incentivo
inception inicio
incessant incesante
incest incesto
incestuous incestuoso-a
inch pulgada
incident incidente more translation
incinerate incinerar
incipient incipiente
incise incidir
incisive incisivo-a
incite incitar
inclement inclemente
inclination inclinación
incline inclinar

Word of the day:
vibrate · vibrar

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