Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1086 - 1120 of 1761
spinach espinaca
spinal espinal
spindle eje
spine columna f vertebral
spinster soltera
spiral espiral
spire aguja
spirit espíritu
spiritual espiritual
spit escupir more translation
spite maldad
spitfire fiera
spittle baba
splash salpicadura more translation
splay abrirse
spleen bazo
splendid espléndido,a
splendor esplendor
splice coser
splint tablilla
splinter astilla
split ruptura
splotch mancha
splotchy manchado/a
splurge derroche
splutter balbucear
spoil echar a perder
spoilage deterioro
spokesman portavoz
spokesperson portavoz
sponge esponja
spongy esponjoso,a
sponsor sponsor
spontaneity espontaneidad
spontaneous espontáneo,a

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September · septiembre

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