Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1156 - 1190 of 1761
spume espuma
spun hilado,a
spunk agallas
spur espuela
spurious falso,a
spurn rechazar
spurt acelerar
sputter petardear
spy espía
spyglass catalejo
squabble disputa
squad pelotón
squadron escuadrón
squalid miserable
squall ráfaga
squander derrochar
square plaza
squash aplastar
squashy blando,a
squat agacharse
squatting ocupación ilegal
squaw india
squawk graznido
squeak chillido
squeaky chillón,a
squeal chillar
squeamish impresionable
squeegee utensilio para limpiar cristales
squeeze apretón
squelch chapotear
squid calamar
squint bizquera
squire escudero
squirm retorcerse
squirrel ardilla

Word of the day:
diversion · distracción

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