Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1191 - 1225 of 1761
squirt chorrito
squishy fangoso-a
St San
stab apuñalar
stable estable
staccato staccato
stack pila
stadium estadio
staff staff
stag ciervo
stage escenario
stagecoach diligencia
stagnant estancado,a
stagnate estancarse
stagy teatral
staid formal
stain mancha
stair escalera
staircase escalera
stake estaca
stalactite estalactita
stale no fresco,a
stalemate tablas
stalk tallo
stall puesto
stallion semental
stalwart incondicional
stamen estambre
stamina resistencia
stammer tartamudeo
stamp sello
stampede estampida
stance postura
stanch contener
stand lugar

Word of the day:
migrant · especie migratoria

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