Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 1761
scissor tijeras
sclerosis esclerosis
sclerotic esclerótico-a
scoff burlarse de more translation
scold reprender more translation
scoop pala more translation
scoot escabullirse
scooter escúter
scope alcance more translation
scorch quemar more translation
score puntuación more translation
scoreboard marcador
scorecard tarjeta de puntuación
scorn desdén more translation
scorpion escorpión
scotch whisky more translation
Scotland Escocia
Scottish escocés
scoundrel bribón-a
scour fregar more translation
scourge azote
scout explorador-a more translation
scowl ceño
scrabble escarbar
scraggly desaliñado-a
scram largarse
scramble mezclar more translation
scrap pedacito more translation
scrapbook álbum de recortes
scrape raspar more translation
scratch rasguño more translation
scratchy áspero-a
scrawl garabatos more translation
scrawny flaco-a
scream gritar more translation

Word of the day:
Inca · incaico-a

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.