Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 1761
seaboard litoral
seacoast costa litoral
seafood marisco
seagull gaviota
seahorse caballito de mar
seal sello more translation
sealant sellador
seam costura more translation
seaman marinero
seamstress costurera
seamy sórdido-a
seance sesión de espiritismo
seaport puerto m marítimo more translation
sear quemar more translation
search búsqueda more translation
searchlight reflector
seashore orilla del mar
seaside costa
season estación more translation
seasonal estacional
seat asiento
seaward hacia el mar
seaweed alga
secant secante
secede separarse
secession secesión
seclusion aislamiento
second segundo more translation
second hand segunda mano
secondary secundario-a
secondhand de segunda mano
secrecy secreto
secret secreto more translation
secretarial de secretario-a
secretariat secretaría

Word of the day:
decease · fallecimiento

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