Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 1761
screech alarido more translation
screen pantalla
screenplay guión
screw tornillo more translation
screwball excéntrico/a
screwdriver destornillador
scribble garabato more translation
scribe escriba
scrimmage refriega
script letra
scripture escrituras (plural) more translation
scroll rollo more translation
scrooge tacaño-a
scrounge gorronear
scrub maleza more translation
scrumptious riquísimo-a
scruple escrúpulo
scrupulous escrupuloso-a
scrutiny escrutinio
scuba buceo
scud scud
scuff raspar
scuffle escaramuza
scull espadilla
sculpt amoldar
sculptor escultor-a
sculptural escultural
sculpture escultura
scum escoria more translation
scurrilous difamatorio-a
scurry correr a toda prisa
scurvy escorbuto
scuttle hundir
scythe guadaña
sea mar

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