Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 809
tenacity tenacidad
tenant inquilino inquilina
tend tender
tendency tendencia
tenderfoot principiante
tenderloin lomo
tendon tendón
tenebrous tenebroso/a
tenement casa de vecinos
tenet principio
tennis tenis
tenor tenor
tense tenso tensa
tensile tenso,a
tension tensión more translation
tensor tensor
tent carpa
tentacle tentáculo
tentative provisional
tenth décimo décima
tenuous poco fundado,a
tenure tenencia
tepid tibio,a
term término
terminal terminal
terminate terminar
terminology terminología
terminus terminal
ternary ternario-a
terrace terraza
terrain terreno
terrapin galápago
terrestrial terrestre
terrible horrible more translation
terrier terrier

Word of the day:
absolutism · absolutismo

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