Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 809
terrific terrorífico-a
terrify aterrar more translation
territorial territorial
territory territorio
terse seco,a
tertiary terciario-a more translation
test testar
testament testamento
testicle testículo
testify declarar
testimonial recomendación
testimony testimonio
testy irritable
tetanus tétano(s)
tether atadura more translation
Texas Texas
text texto
textbook libro de texto
textile textil
textual textual
textural textural
texture textura
Thai tailandés
Thailand Tailandia
than que
thank agradecer
Thank you gracias
Thank you. gracias
thanksgiving acción de gracias
that aquel aquello aquella
thatch techo de paja
thaw descongelar
the el more translation
the other side el otro lado
theater teatro

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