Spanish Dictionary
English | Spanish |
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 809 | |
terrific | terrorífico-a |
terrify | aterrar more translation |
territorial | territorial |
territory | territorio |
terse | seco,a |
tertiary | terciario-a more translation |
test | testar |
testament | testamento |
testicle | testículo |
testify | declarar |
testimonial | recomendación |
testimony | testimonio |
testy | irritable |
tetanus | tétano(s) |
tether | atadura more translation |
Texas | Texas |
text | texto |
textbook | libro de texto |
textile | textil |
textual | textual |
textural | textural |
texture | textura |
Thai | tailandés |
Thailand | Tailandia |
than | que |
thank | agradecer |
Thank you | gracias |
Thank you. | gracias |
thanksgiving | acción de gracias |
that | aquel aquello aquella |
thatch | techo de paja |
thaw | descongelar |
the | el more translation |
the other side | el otro lado |
theater | teatro |