Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 809
thesis tesis
thespian actor-actriz
they ellos-as
thick grueso gruesa
thicken espesar
thicket matorral
thickness grosor
thief ladrón ladrona
thieving ladrón
thigh muslo
thimble dedal
thin delgado delgada
thine tuyo-a
thing cosa
think pensar
third tercero tercera
thirst sed
thirsty sediento-a
thirteen trece
thirteenth decimotercero-a
thirtieth trigésimo-a
thirty treinta
this éste-esto-esta
thistle cardo
thistledown vilano
thong correa
thorn espina
thorny espinoso-a
thorough cuidadoso-a more translation
thoroughbred de pura sangre
thoroughfare vía pública
those aquellos-as
thou more translation
though aunque
thought pensamiento

Word of the day:
improvise · improvisar

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.