Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 316 - 350 of 1411
admonition advertencia
adnate adnato
ado ruido
adobe adobe
adolescence adolescencia
adolescent adolescente
adopt prohijar more translation
adoption adopción
adoptive adoptivo more translation
adorable adorable
adoration adoración
adore adorar
adorn ornar more translation
adornment adorno
adrenaline adrenalina
adrift a la deriva
adroit diestro more translation
adsorb adsorber
adulate adular
adult adulto more translation
adulterate adulterar
adulterer adúltero
adulterous adúltero/a
adultery adulterio
adulthood edad adulta
advance adelantar more translation
advanced avanzado
advancement adelantamiento more translation
advantage aprovechamiento more translation
advantageous favorable
advent llegada
adventitious adventicio, adventicia
adventure aventura
adventurer aventurero
adventurous aventurado more translation

Word of the day:
certainly · por supuesto

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.