Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 1411
accumulation acumulación
accuracy precisión more translation
accurate preciso more translation
accusation acusación
accusative acusativo
accusatory acusador
accuse inculpar more translation
accused acusado
accuser acusador/a
accustom acostumbrar
accustomed acostumbrado
ace as
acerbity amargura
acetate acetato
acetic ácido acético
acetone acetona
acetylene acetileno
ache doler
achieve conseguir more translation
achievement logro
aching dolor
achromatic acromático, acromática
acid ácido more translation
acidic ácido-a more translation
acidulous acídulo/a
acknowledge reconocer
acknowledgeable reconocible
acknowledgment reconocimiento more translation
acme apogeo more translation
acne acné
acolyte acólito
acorn bellota
acoustic acústico more translation
acoustics acústica
acquaint poner a alguien al corriente

Word of the day:
arrange · tramitar

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