Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 1411
actuate actuar
acuity agudeza
acumen sagacidad
acupuncture acupuntura
acute agudo more translation
ad anuncio
adage adagio
adagio adagio
adamant inexorable more translation
adapt adaptar more translation
adaptable adaptable
adaptation adaptación
adapter adaptador
adaptive adaptativo, adaptativa
add agregar more translation
added añadido
addendum apéndice
adder víbora
addict adicto more translation
addicted adicto
addiction adicción
addictive adictivo
addition suma more translation
additional accesorio more translation
additionally adicionalmente
additive aditivo
addle confundir
address abordar more translation
addressee destinatario
adduce aducir
adept adepto more translation
adequacy suficiencia
adequate adecuado more translation
adhere adherirse more translation
adherent partidario-a more translation

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.