Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 1411
abhorred detestado
abhorrence aborrecimiento more translation
abhorrent repugnante more translation
abide aguantar more translation
ability facultad more translation
abject miserable more translation
abjuration renuncia more translation
abjure abjurar
ablaze ardiendo
able hábil more translation
able-bodied robusto
ablution ablución
abnormal anormal more translation
abnormality anormalidad
aboard a bordo
abode residencia more translation
abolish abolir
abolition abolición
abolitionist abolicionista
abominable abominable more translation
abominate detestar more translation
abomination abominación
aboriginal aborigen
aborigine aborigen australiano-a
abort abortar
abortion aborto
abound abundar
about acerca more translation
above encima de more translation
aboveboard legal
aboveground sobre nivel
abrade erosionar
abrasion abrasión
abrasive abrasivo-a
abreast al corriente

Word of the day:
centerline · línea central

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.