Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 736 - 770 of 1411
anarchic anárquico-a
anarchism anarquismo
anarchist anarquista
anarchy anarquía
anathema alguien o algo odioso
anatomic anatómico-a
anatomy anatomía
ancestor antepasado-a more translation
ancestral ancestral
ancestry ascendencia more translation
anchor ancla more translation
anchorage anclaje more translation
anchovy anchoa more translation
ancient antiguo-a more translation
ancillary auxiliar
and y more translation
Andalusian andaluz
Andorran andorrano more translation
anecdotal anecdótico-a
anecdote anécdota
anemia anemia
anemic anémico
anemone anémona
anesthesia anestesia
anesthetic anestésico
anesthetist anestesista
anesthetize anestesiar
anew de nuevo
angel ángel
angelfish pez ángel
angelic angelical
angelica angélica
anger ira more translation
angle ángulo more translation
Anglican anglicano

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hare · liebre

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.