Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 876 - 910 of 1411
anyhow de cualquier forma more translation
anymore ya
anyone alguien more translation
anyplace en cualquier lugar
anything algo
anyway de todos modos more translation
anywhere en cualquier lugar more translation
aorta aorta
apache apache
apart aparte
apartheid apartheid
apartment piso more translation
apathetic apático-a more translation
apathy apatía
ape mono
aperture apertura more translation
apex vértice
aphasic afásico-a
aphelion afelio
aphid áfido more translation
aphorism aforisma
aphrodisiac afrodisíaco
apiary colmenar
apiece cada uno
aplomb aplomo
apocalypse apocalipsis
apocalyptic apocalíptico-a more translation
apocopate apocopar
apocryphal apócrifo-a
apogee apogeo
apologetic de disculpa
apologia apología
apologise disculparse
apologize disculparse
apology apología more translation

Word of the day:
devotee · devoto-a

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.