Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 316 - 350 of 1958
cattleman ganadero
catwalk pasarela
caucus camarilla política
cauldron caldera more translation
cauliflower coliflor
caulk enmasillar
causal causal
cause causa more translation
causeway calzada
caustic cáustico-a
cauterize cauterizar
caution precaución more translation
cautionary cautelar
cautious cauteloso-a more translation
cautiousness cautela
cavalcade cabalgata
cavalier caballero
cavalry caballería
cave cueva more translation
caveat advertencia
caveman cavernícola more translation
cavern caverna more translation
cavernous grande y tenebroso-a
caviar caviar
cavil poner reparos
cavity cavidad
cavort brincar
caw graznido more translation
Cayenne Cayena more translation
cayman caimán
CD disco compacto
cease cesar
cedar cedro
cede ceder
ceiling techo

Word of the day:
crafty · astuto-a

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