Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 1958
caribou caribú
caricature caricatura
caries caries
carload cargamento
carmine carmín
carnage carnicería
carnal carnal
carnation clavel
carnival carnaval
carnivore carnivoro-a more translation
carnivorous carnívoro-a more translation
carob algarrobo
carol villancico
carouse estar de juerga
carousel carrusel more translation
carp carpa
carpenter carpintero
carpentry carpintería
carpet alfombra more translation
carport garaje
carpus carpo
carriage carruaje more translation
carrier portador-a
carrion carroña
carrot zanahoria
carry sostener more translation
carryover aplazar
cart carro more translation
cartel cártel
Cartesian cartesiano
cartilage cartílago
cartilaginous cartilaginoso-a
cartographer cartógrafo-a
cartographic cartográfico-a more translation
cartography cartografía

Word of the day:
scary · de miedo

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