Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 1958
carton cartón
cartoon caricatura
cartoonist dibujante
cartridge cartucho
cartwheel voltereta lateral
carve tallar more translation
cascade cascada
case caso more translation
casein caseína
casework estudio de antecedentes personales
cash efectivo
cash box taquilla
cashew anacardo
cashier cajero-a more translation
cashmere cachemir more translation
casino casino
cask barril
casket cofre more translation
cassava mandioca
casserole cacerola more translation
cassette cassette more translation
cassock sotana
cast vaciado more translation
castaway náufrago-a
caste casta
castigate castigar
Castilian castellano more translation
castle castillo more translation
castrate castrar
castration castración
casual casual more translation
casualty herido-a more translation
cat gato more translation
cataclysmic cataclísmico-a
catalog catálogo

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