Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 1958
catalogue catálogo more translation
catalysis catálisis
catalyst catalizador
catalytic catalítico-a
catapult catapulta
cataract catarata
catarrh catarro
catastrophe catástrofe
catastrophic catastrófico-a more translation
catatonic catatónico-a more translation
catch capturar more translation
catcher receptor-a
catchup alcanzar
catchword lema
catchy pegadizo-a more translation
catechism catequesis
categoric categórico-a
category categoría
catenate encadenar
cater proveer comida more translation
catering catering
caterpillar oruga
catfish bagre more translation
catharsis catarsis
cathedral catedral
catheter catéter
cathode cátodo
Catholic católico-a more translation
Catholicism Catolicismo
catkin candelilla
catlike gatuno/a
catnip menta de gato
catsup ketchup
cattail totora
cattle ganado

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