Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 1958
candleholder candelabro
candlelight luz de vela
candlestick candelero
candlewick chenilla
candy golosinas more translation
cane palo more translation
canine canino-a more translation
canister lata
canker afta
cannabis cannabis
canned enlatado
cannery fábrica de conservas
cannibal caníbal
cannibalism canibalismo
cannon cañón
cannonball bala de cañón
canny inteligente
canoe canoa
canoeing canotaje
canonic canónico-a
canopy dosel
cant jerga
cantaloupe cantalupo
canteen cantina more translation
canticle himno
cantilever voladizo
canto canto
canton canton
cantonment acantonamiento
canvas lona more translation
canvass hacer campaña electoral
canyon cañón
cap gorro more translation
capability capacidad more translation
capable capaz more translation

Word of the day:
exhibition · exposición

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