Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 701 - 735 of 1958
citadel ciudadela more translation
citation cita more translation
cite citar
citizen ciudadano
citizenry ciudadanía
citizenship ciudadanía
citrate citrato
citric cítrico-a
citrus cítrico-a
city ciudad
civic cívico-a more translation
civil civil
civil war guerra civil
civilian civil more translation
civilization civilización
clad vestir more translation
claim reclamar more translation
claimant solicitante
clairvoyant clarividente more translation
clam almeja
clamber trepar
clammy bochornoso-a
clamp abrazadera more translation
clan clan
clandestine clandestino-a more translation
clank hacer ruido
clap aplaudir more translation
clapboard listón
claret burdeos
clarification aclaración
clarify clarificar more translation
clarinet clarinete
clarity claridad
clash conflicto more translation
clasp broche more translation

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obligate · obligar

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.