Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 806 - 840 of 1958
cloister claustro
clone clon more translation
close cerrar more translation
close to cerca a
closed cerrado-a
closely estrechamente
closet armario more translation
closing cierre more translation
closure cierre more translation
clot coágulo more translation
cloth tela more translation
clothe vestir
clothes ropa
clothesline tendedero
clothier ropero
clothing ropa
cloture clausura
cloud nube more translation
cloudburst chaparrón
clouded nublado-a
cloudless despejado-a
cloudy nublado more translation
clout tortazo
clove clavo more translation
clover trébol
clown payaso
cloy empalagar
club club more translation
clubhouse sede de un club
cluck cloqueo more translation
clue pista more translation
clump grupo
clumsy torpe
cluster grupo more translation
clutch embrague more translation

Word of the day:
delicateness · delicadeza

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.