Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 981 - 1015 of 1958
columnar de columna
coma coma
Comanche comanche
comatose comatoso-a
comb peine more translation
combat combate more translation
combatant combatiente
combination combinación
combine combinar more translation
combo combo more translation
combustible combustible
combustion combustión
come venir more translation
come back regresar
comeback vuelta more translation
comedian cómico-a more translation
comedy comedia
comet cometa
comfort comodidad more translation
comfortable cómodo-a more translation
comfy cómodo-a more translation
comic cómico-a more translation
comical cómico-a
comma coma
command orden more translation
commandant comandante
commandeer requisar
commander comandante
commandment precepto more translation
commando comando
commemorate comemorar more translation
commence comenzar more translation
commend elogiar
commendation encomio more translation
commensurable comparable

Word of the day:
beacon · faro

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.