Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 771 - 805 of 1958
cliche cliché
click click more translation
client cliente-a more translation
clientele clientela
cliff acantilado more translation
climate climático more translation
climatic climático-a
climatology climatología
climax clímax
climb trepar a more translation
climber escalador-a
clime clima
clinch cerrar
cling adherirse a more translation
clinging poco independiente
clingy pegajoso-a
clinic clínico-a more translation
clinical clínico-a
clinical practice consulta
clink hacer tintinear
clip clip
clipboard tablilla con sujetapapeles
clipper clipper
clipping recorte
clique camarilla
clitoris clítoris
cloaca cloaca
cloak capa more translation
cloakroom guardarropa
clobber aplastar
clock reloj more translation
clockwise de las agujas del reloj
clockwork mecanismo de relojería
clod terrón
clog zueco

Word of the day:
where · dónde

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.