Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 876 - 910 of 1958
cocktail cocktail more translation
cocky chulo-a more translation
coco coco
cocoa cacao
coconut nuez de coco more translation
cocoon capullo
cod bacalao more translation
coda coda
code código
codfish bacalao
codify codificar
coed mixto-a
coeditor co-editor-a
coefficient coeficiente
coerce coaccionar
coercion coacción
coercive coactivo-a
coexist coexistir
coexistent coexistente
coffee café
coffeehouse café
coffeepot cafetera
coffer fondos
coffin ataúd
cog diente
cogent convincente
cogitate cogitar
cognac coñac
cognate cognado
cognition cognición
cognitive cognitivo-a
cognizant estar al corriente
cohabitation convivencia
cohere formar una unidad
coherence coherencia

Word of the day:
lukewarm · tibio-a

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.