Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 1089
bacterium bacteria
bad malo-a'' more translation
badge insignia more translation
badger tejón''
badly mal
badminton bádminton
bag bolsa more translation
bagatelle bagatela
bagel báguel''
baggage equipaje
baggy ancho-a
bagpipe cornamusa
bagpipes gaita
Bahamas Bahamas
bail fianza
bailiff alguacil
bait cebo more translation
bake cocer al horno more translation
baker panadero-a''
bakery panadería
balance equilibrio more translation
balanced equilibrado-a''
balcony balcón
bald calvo-a more translation
bale paca more translation
balk obstaculizar
ball bola more translation
ballad balada
ballast lastre more translation
ballboy pelotero
ballerina bailarina
ballet ballet
ballistic balístico''
balloon globo
ballot votación

Word of the day:
regret · lamentar

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.