Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 1089
banner estandarte more translation
banquet banquete
bantam gallinita de Bantam
banter bromas more translation
baptism bautismo
baptismal bautismal
baptist bautista
baptistery baptisterio
bar atrancar more translation
barb barba more translation
barbarian bárbaro-a more translation
barbaric bárbaro-a more translation
barbarism barbarismo
barbarous bárbaro-a more translation
barbecue barbacoa
barber peluquero more translation
barbershop peluquería''
barbiturate barbitúrico
bard vate
bare desnudo-a more translation
barefaced descarado-a
barefoot descalzo-a more translation
barely apenas
bargain ganga
barge barcaza more translation
baritone barítono
barium cloruro de bario more translation
bark corteza more translation
barkeep tabernero/a
barley cebada
barn granero more translation
barnacle percebe
barnyard corral
barometer barómetro
baron barón

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.