Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 1089
beatify beatificar
beating paliza
beatitude beatitud
beau pretendiente more translation
beauteous hermosa more translation
beautician esteticista
beautiful bella more translation
beautify embellecer
beauty belleza more translation
beaver castor
because porque
beckon llamar por señas
become convertirse en more translation
bed lecho more translation
bedbug chinche
bedlam loquerío
bedraggled desaliñado/a
bedridden echado-a en la cama
bedrock cimiento
bedroom dormitorio more translation
bedsheet sábana
bedside cabecera
bedspread colcha more translation
bedspring somier
bedtime hora de acostarse
bee abeja
beech haya
beef carne de vaca
beefsteak bistec
beefy fornido-a more translation
beehive colmena
beekeeper apicultor more translation
beekeeping apicultura
beep pitido
beeper localizador

Word of the day:
snug · cómodo,a y acogedor,a

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