Spanish Dictionary
English | Spanish |
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 1089 | |
be active | dedicarse |
be advisable | convenir |
be afraid | temer |
be born | nacer |
be called | llamarse |
be happy about | alegrarse de algo'' |
be interested | interesar |
be mistaken | equivocarse |
be necessary | ser necesario'' |
be quiet | callarse |
be right | tener razón'' |
be sea sick | marearse |
be tired | estar cansado'' |
be used to | acostumbrado |
be worth | valer |
be worthwhile | valer la pena'' |
beach | playa more translation |
beachhead | cabeza de playa |
beacon | faro more translation |
bead | cuenta |
beak | pico |
beam | viga more translation |
beaming | radiante |
bean | alubia more translation |
bear | soportar more translation |
bearable | soportable |
beard | barba |
bearer | portador more translation |
bearing | relación |
bearish | a la baja |
beast | bestia more translation |
beat | golpear more translation |
beaten | vencido |
beater | batidora more translation |
beatific | beatífico-a |