Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 1089
beer cerveza
beet remolacha azucarera more translation
beetle escarabajo
befall sucederle more translation
befit acomodar
before antes de more translation
beforehand de antemano more translation
befoul ensuciar
befuddle aturdir
beg mendigar more translation
beget engendrar
beggar mendigo-a more translation
beggary mendicidad
begging pedir
begin comenzar more translation
beginner principiante more translation
beginning inicio more translation
begonia begonia
begrudge envidiar
beguile engañar
behave comportarse more translation
behavior comportamiento
behavioral conductual
behaviour conducta
behead decapitar
beheading decapitación
behind detrás de more translation
behind of detrás de''
behold mirar
beige beige
Beijing Beijing more translation
being ente more translation
belated tardío''
belch eructar
belfry campanario

Word of the day:
technical · técnico técnica

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.