Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 1089
ballpark estadio
ballpen bolígrafo''
ballroom salón de baile
balm bálsamo
balmy suave
balsa balsa
balsam bálsamo''
balustrade barandilla more translation
bamba bamba
bamboo bambú
ban prohibición more translation
banal banal more translation
banality trivialidad more translation
banana plátano more translation
band banda more translation
band-aid curita more translation
bandage venda more translation
bandit bandido-a more translation
bandstand quiosco de música
bandwagon carroza de los músicos
bandwidth ancho de banda
bandy torcido-a
bane perdición'' more translation
bang estrépito
bangle pulsera more translation
banish desterrar
banister pasamanos more translation
banjo banjo
bank banco more translation
bank account cuenta
banker banquero
banknote billete
bankroll financiar
bankrupt en quiebra more translation
bankruptcy quiebra

Word of the day:
budge · moverse

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